2017 Sacred Arts Week at Grunewald Guild


I just returned from teaching a 5 day silk painting workshop as part of Sacred Arts Week with some other incredible faculty at the Grunewald Guild near Leavenworth WA. It was a wonderful time of silk painting, pottery, exploring the connection between image and word, and creative journaling, not to mention labyrinth walking, chatting late at night, bridge strolling and worshiping together.  Vonda Drees, one of the directors, took these photos and made them into a slide show. Songwriter and Guild member Cheryl Branz wrote the accompanying song. 

The overarching theme of the week was “Wonder, Discover, Begin”. This gave us a chance to delve into the creative process first by sharing how this theme applied to individual faculty’s creative and spiritual lives. Hopefully this sharing strengthened everyone’s courage to create boldly. I think it worked, based on the new artwork displayed at the end of the week. 

Here’s the classes taught and the faculty facilitating: 

Silk Painting: Color in the Wind with Kristen Gilje

A Journal of Wonder, Exploration, & Beginning with Mary McLeod

Handbuilt Ceramics for Hospitality & Liturgy with Sarah Jane

Image to Word & Word to Image with Laurie Rudel & Scott Burnett

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