The silk mural “Tree of Life,”  composed of two 25 foot by 4 foot fabric panels, is  ready to be hung in Faith Lutheran Church. Dedication will be Sunday July 19, 2015 at Faith, 2570 McLeod Rd, 10:00 AM,and promises to be quite nice. Please join us if you are in town!

If you recall from previous posts I used rollers on each end of a frame to paint 9 feet of fabric at a time. When the piece was finished I was able set only 10 feet of  each panel next to its partner, enough to tell that the sections match pretty well, but not enough to get a sense of how it will all look finally hanging in its new home. That will have to wait until the new pulley system for hanging this and other banners is completed, soon. I am anxious to see how it looks!
I’ve photographed this piece in my studio as best I can. Since it is so long I was only able to get about 10 feet at a time. Â Below you will find 6 photos, 3 for each panel starting with the left panel, from top to bottom.
Left panel:

Below is the right panel:

Stay tuned for the hanging!